Player-controlled Scrakes start spawning at the third wave of the normal versus game.All melee attacks except for "Gutbuster" attack do full damage to players - x1 and vary by possible amount of the hits.When enraged Scrake can do bump damage to human players (damage - 2, radius - 2.4m, this type of the damage is radial, i.e. Note: Rage (sprint) thresholds: Normal / Hard / Suicidal - 0.75, HOE - 0.9.Damage multiplier (firearms) - x0.25, Damage multiplier (melee) - x0.25. Note: Damage values below vary between (x0.7 - x1.31) based on average level of the human team. Secondary + Back: "Gutbuster" stab attack.Secondary: Powerful chainsaw slashing attack.MeleeHit = (Vulnerability = (0.5), Cooldown=1.35)

GunHit = (Vulnerability = (0.2), Cooldown=1.7) Stumble = (Vulnerability = (0.1), Cooldown=5) Knockdown = (Vulnerability = (0.2), Cooldown=10) Incapacitation Resistance Vulnerability mask = (Torso, Head, Legs, Arms, Special).

Their chainsaw mitigates half of the incoming damage. Scrakes have only one weak spot, which is the head. Scrakes have only one unique weakness that they share with their AI counterpart which is an impact damage of the RPG-7 projectile. Scrakes resist to every type of ballistic weaponry except rifles and are significantly resistant against sub-machine guns. Scrakes are neutral to microwave and are resistant to other non-ballistic damage types. Player-controlled Scrakes have a wide variety of damage type resistances and one notable weakness. For kill reward calculations read Dosh Mechanics.ĭue to Game Conductor mechanics, player-controlled Scrakes have their health modified based on the average level of the Survivor team.