Then a while back I had to reset my computer so I couldn't play the game anymore. So on the old forum I added a page where I uploaded some of Vortex00's characters that I had created for AA2. I haven't played in years and our resident tech support specialist has forsaken his waifu in favor of a laifu.

'HELP, my question isn't listed here!' These guys are wizards and have guides for just about everything. Illusion doesn't sell games to international audiences. 'HELP, I get a message saying Illusion software is only available for domestic users over 18!' You can do so without switching your entire system locale by downloading Applocale. Artificial Academy 2 Character Maker Downloadĥ October, 2016 - Dipshit Bill| 1 Comments 'HELP, all my interactions are 0%!' Run the game in Japanese locale.